She spins flax and wool at night, shears sheep, & also spins the web of life and death. She wanders during Lent disguised as a woman, visiting houses and doing housework; at night strands of fleece are laid beside the stoves for her. She may have originally been a house spirit concerned with women's work. Eventually, her worship was transmuted to the modern widespread reverence for Mother Russia.
She is portrayed with uplifted hands, flanked by two horsemen. She became St. Paraskeva, whose long hair hangs loosely, and whose icon is decorated with flax and birch. One prayer involves going to the fields at dawn in August with jars filled with hemp oil, which is poured out after each invocation, and finally, the jar is shattered on the ground.
Wife of Svarog; Slavic equivalent of the widespread sacral marriage idea between Earth goddess and Sky god. There are obvious parallels with the Hellenic Gaia & the Nordic Jord, whose names both mean "Earth".
Bonus Unit-Polevik-field spirits that appear as a deformed dwarfs with different coloured eyes and grass instead of hair. They appear either at noon or sunset and wear either all black or all white suits., 2x better hunter & farmer.
Keywords: cailleach bheur minor greek goddess goddess peace rites nameless gods baphomet bathomet turkish erlik feast sekhmet triple goddess everyday guidance growth long read tarot guidance growth wiccan witches sorcerer spells lovespells
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on 28 November 2009
at Saturday, November 28, 2009
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