Gbadu had several children while living in her tree, including two daughters and numerous sons. Yet she was troubled, because she did not know why Mawu had told her to stay in the tree. She also saw that there was trouble in the land, sea, and sky, because no one knew how to speak Mawu's language or how to behave properly. The only one who could speak Mawu's language was Legba, so Gbadu asked him to help. Mawu told Legba to teach her language to three of Gbadu's sons and send them to earth. She also gave Gbadu the keys to the future and devised a way for men to use palm kernels to open Gbadu's eyes and see their fates. The three sons of Gbadu--Duwo, Kiti, and Zose--taught men how to divine their future, and also reminded them that they all come from Mawu, and that only she could give them life.
Keywords: greek gods hestia greek gods and goddesses roman goddess of wisdom gods and goddesses of hinduism goddess pagan gods and goddesses of india chinese gods and goddesses tarot fool astral projection for tarot cards reading tarot cards meaning tarot card reading read tarot cards tarot meanings
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on 14 October 2011
at Friday, October 14, 2011
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