Amadioha (Igbo literal meaning "free will of the people") is the Alusi (god) of thunder and lightning of the Igbo people of southeastern Nigeria. He is amongst the most popular of Igbo deities and in some parts of Igboland, he is referred to as Amadiora, Kamalu (which is short for Kalu Akanu), Kamanu, or Ofufe. Astrologically, his governing planet is the Sun. His color is red, and his symbol is a white ram. Metaphysically, Amadioha represents the collective will of the people. He is often associated with Anyanwu, who is the Igbo god of the Sun. While Anyanwu is more prominent in northern Igboland, Amadioha is more prominent in the southern part. His day is Afo, which is the second market day of the Igbo four day week.
Keywords: moon goddess tanit tanith charge goddess affirmations nuit mahavidya chinnamasta celtic sucellos hymn demeter being particular do voodoo star darkness lord spellbook spellbook santeria
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on 26 September 2009
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