
Hecate Suppers  

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Hecate Suppers Cover
Ritual meals were among Hecate's traditional rites. Once upon a time, these dinners were consumed outside under the dark moon, ideally at a crossroads. One plate was reserved for Hecate; after her devotees dined, just before they departed, Hecate's plate was laid down at the crossroads.

Traditionally whatever is given to Hecate cannot be reclaimed. Thus, do not break out your priceless set of china; lay the meal on the ground or use a serving dish that will be incorporated into the offering. Once the offering is laid down, depart without looking back. Hecate determines who picks up the offering.

Once upon a time, observers scoffed at Hecate's rituals, commenting that offerings made to the goddess were consumed by homeless people or feral animals, however they misunderstood: this is among the ways Hecate accepts offerings.

A typical Hecate Supper menu includes eggs, fish roe, goat and sheep cheese, sprats, red mullet - a scavenger fish that was the subject of many taboos - garlic, mushrooms, and honey cake surrounded by blazing torches or cakes decorated with miniature imitation torches (candles). Other ideas include garlic, salmon, honey, and edible flowers.

source: "Coven Of Hecate"

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