
Greek Goddess Hygieia  

Posted by Unknown

Greek Goddess Hygieia Image
HYGIEIA is the Greek Goddess of health and cleanliness. She is the daughter of Asklepios, God of medicine and healing. Hygieia is usually depicted holding a snake, which drinks from a cup held by her. Snakes have long been a symbol of healing and rejuvenation--as the snake sheds its skin, so the human body can survive disease. Hygieia's name is the source of our modern word "hygiene".

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Goddess Loviatar  

Posted by Unknown

Goddess Loviatar Image
LOVIATAR (pronounced lo-VEE-at-ar) is the Finnish Goddess of plagues. She is the blind daughter of Tuonetar and Tuoni, Goddess and God of the Underworld. The "Kalevala" calls Loviatar "black in heart and soul and visage," and tells of her impregnation by the east wind. When she went into labor, Loviatar went to Louhi, Goddess of sorcery, who helped her to give birth to nine sons. The first eight of these sons she named Pistos (consumption), "Ahky (colic), Luuvalo (gout), Riisi (rickets), Paise (ulcer), Rupi (scab), Sy"oj"a (cancer), and Rutto (plague). The ninth, who personified envy, was not named. Loviatar's name is also seen as LOUHIATAR, LOUHETAR, LOVEATAR, LOVETAR, and LOVEHETAR.

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Hebe Goddess Of Youth  

Posted by Unknown

Hebe Goddess Of Youth Cover
HEBE, the goddess of youth, was the daughter of Zeus and Hera. Hebe served for a long time as cupbearer to the gods, serving them their nectar and ambrosia. She was replaced in this office by the Trojan prince Ganymede.

According to one story, she resigned as cupbearer to the gods upon her marriage to the hero Hercules, who had just been deified. In another, she was dimissed from her position because of a fall she suffered while in attendance on the gods.

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