
Greek Goddess Aletheia  

Posted by Unknown

Greek Goddess Aletheia Image
ALETHEIA (pronounced ah-LEE-thee-uh) is the Greek Goddess of truth. She is a daughter of Zeus, but her mother is not identified. Aletheia's name, which means "truth," is also seen as ALATHEA and ALETHEA.

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Egyptian Goddesses  

Posted by Unknown

Egyptian Goddesses Cover
ANUKET: Anuket, a water goddess, was especially adored at Aswan and on the sacred island of Seheil. Her name means the "embracer" and may refer to the embrace of the Nile waters by the river's banks. In Hieroglyphs she is seen wearing a feather headdress.
ANKT: A spear-carrying war goddess, Ankt is depicted wearing a curved and feathered crown.
BASTET: Bastet, the cat goddess, is the patroness of the domestic cat and the home. She is often seen in human form with the head of a cat holding the sacred rattle known as the sistrim. Her center of worship was located at Bubastis in the Delta Region. Bastet is also associated with the eye of Ra, the sun god, and acts as an instrument of his vengeance.
HET: Her, "maker of invisible existences apart", is the Egyptian serpent goddess who rules fire.
HATHOR: Worshipped as a sky goddess and a cow-deity, Hathor is depicted either in cow or human form wearing a sun disk between the horns of a cow as a crown. She is often symbolized by the papyrus reed, the snake and the sacred sistrim. Sirius was her sacred star. Hathor was the patroness of all women, artists, music, dance, and happiness. She is often traditionally present in all ancient Egyptian tombs to ensure safe passage into the after world.
ISIS: Isis, a goddess that became universally worshipped, is associated with love, motherhood, marital devotion, healing, eternal life, and the casting of magical spells and charms. Isis is the goddess of day, while her twin sister, Nephthys is the goddess of night. Her sacred symbol is an amulet called the tyet. She is the wife of Osiris and the mother of Horus.
MUT: Mut is seen as the mother, the nurturing force behind all things while her husband Amen is the great energy or creative force. In ancient Egyptian, "mut" means mother.
MESKHONI: Meskhoni is an Egyptian birth goddess symbolized by a human-headed brick. Egyptian women crouched on this goddess' image during labor. Meskhoni appeared at the precise moment when contractions began and remained through the delivery to predict the future of the newborn. She often appeared as a woman wearing palm shoots on her head.
MAFDET: Mafdet, "The Lady of the Castle of Life", was an early (1st Dynasty) Egyptian goddess. Her sacred animals were the cat and the mongoose. She was invoked to help cure snakebites.
MA'AT: Ma'at is the Egyptian goddess of Truth and Justice and the underworld. She passed judgment over the souls of the dead in the Judgment Hall of Osiris. The "Law of Ma'at was the basis of civil laws in ancient Egypt.
NEB-TI: The ruling goddess of the north, Uadgit, and south, Nekhebet and a political symbol of the unification of Egypt.
NEPHTHYS: The twin sister of Isis, Nephthys is the goddess of night, the protectress of the dead and the guardian of the lungs of the deceased.
NEKHEBET: Nekhebet is the vulture headed goddess of the Nile's source. She and the goddess Uadgit formed the Neb-Ti, a symbol of the political unification of Egypt. She is also the patroness of laboring women and combined her political and motherly roles in her mystic task of suckling the pharaohs-to-be.
QADESH: Qadesh, the "Holy One," rides a lion and holds out snakes and lotus buds. She embodies the sacramental reverence toward sexuality as an expression of divine force.
RENENET: When an Egyptian child is born, Renenet pronounces its name, defines its personality and bestows its fortune. Renenet is the personification of the force of nurturing and its effect on a child's destiny. In a larger sense, she is the earth itself, which offers milk and grain to her people, who worship her as the goddess of the double granary.
SHESHAT: "The mistress of the house of books", Sheshat is the inventor of writing and the secretary of heaven. She is also the "mistress of the house of architects", the goddess that studies the stars to determine the axes of new buildings. She invented mathematics SELKHET: The beautiful scorpion goddess and guardian of the dead, Selkhet has her scorpion strike death to the wicked. She also saves the lives of the innocent stung by a scorpion. She is one of the deities who led the deceased into the afterlife and offered instructions in the customs of the otherworld. She symbolized rebirth after death.
SEKHMET: Sekhmet is the lion goddess and her worship was centered in Memphis. Her name means "powerful" and she was created from the fire in Ra's eyes as a goddess of vengeance against sinful humans.
SATI: Sati, "she who runs like an arrow", also known as Satis and Satet, is an Egyptian archer goddess who personified the waterfalls of the river Nile. Her sanctuary was at Aswan, in ancient upper Egypt, on the island of Seheil.
SHAIT: Shait is the goddess of human destiny. Invisible, Shait observes a human's virtues and vices, crimes and secret crimes. Based on her intimate knowledge of each person, she spoke the final judgment of the soul at a human's death.
and is the appointed goddess of fate who measures the length of our lives with palm branches.
TEFNUT: Tefnut is the goddess of daybreak and associated with the mountains from which the sun rises.
UADGIT: The sovereign cobra goddess of lower Egypt and the Nile delta. Uadgit joined with Nekhebet to form the "two mistrersses" of the land called the Neb-Ti, a political symbol of the unification of Egypt.

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