
Goddess Fdla  

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Goddess Fdla Image
F'oDLA (pronounced FO-la) is the Celtic Goddess of the power of Ireland. She is one of the Tuatha de Danaan, the people of the Goddess Danu. When the Milesians arrived in Ireland and conquered them, F'odla and her two sisters, 'Eriu and Banba, all asked that the island be named for them. 'Eriu won the request, but F'odla's name continued to be used on occasion. F'odla and her sisters are the daughters of Ernmas, a mother Goddess, who is also the mother of another triad of Goddesses--Badb, Macha, and Anu, also known as the Morrigan. The first triad represents the sovereignty of Ireland, while the second triad were Goddesses of war, and therefore represent the protection of Ireland. F'odla's husband MacCecht was one of the last kings of the Tuatha de Danaan, along with his brothers MacCuilland MacGreine. F'odla's name, which means "a sod of earth," is also seen as F'oTLA, F'oDHLA, and F'oLA.

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