
Goddess Hiiaka I Kapua Enaena  

Posted by Unknown

Goddess Hiiaka I Kapua Enaena Image
HI'IAKA-I-KAPUA-'ENA'ENA is the Hawaiian Goddess of lei making. She is Pele's older sister and the mother of Laka, Goddess of the hula. Besides making leis and 'awa (an herbal drink) for Pele, Hi'iaka-i-kapu-'ena'ena was also responsible for the rosy glow seen on mountains and clouds in the early morning. Her name means "Hi'iaka of the burning clouds," and some of her alternate names show her other associations, such as HI'IAKA-I-PUA-'ENA'ENA (Hi'iaka of the burning flower) and HI'IAKA-I-PU-'ENA'ENA (Hi'iaka of the burning hills). Another of her names, KUKU-'ENA-I-KE-AHI-HO'OMAU-HONUA (beating hot in the perpetual earth fire), is used when she acts as a guide to lost travelers. Other variations on her name include HI'IAKA-I-KAPU-'ENA'ENA (Hi'iaka of the forbidden burning), HI'IAKA-I-TAPU-'ENA'ENA (Hi'iaka of sacred burning), and HI'IAKA-I-KAPUA-'ANE'ANE (Hi'iaka in extreme old age).

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