

Posted by Unknown

Alala Cover
Alala (pronounced AL-ah-luh) is the Greek Goddess of the war-cry. She is the daughter of Polemos, the God who is the personification of war, and Hybris, Goddess of aggression. Alala accompanied Ares, God of war and battle, and her name was his battle-cry. Alala’s name means “war-cry.”

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Goddess Amaunet  

Posted by Unknown

Goddess Amaunet Image
AMAUNET is the Egyptian Goddess of the air, the consort of Amun and one of the original eight Egyptian Gods, called the Ogdoad. She ruled over the north wind, which was very important to Ancient Egyptians in that it provided them a way to sail upstream on the Nile. Amaunet was honored as a protector and teacher of the royal family, playing an important role in accession rituals. It was said that her shadow protected both the pharaoh and the Gods. Amaunet was depicted either as a snake-headed woman (as were the other Goddesses of the Ogdoad), or in fully human form wearing the red crown of Lower Egypt. Her name, which means "female hidden one," is also seen as AMANUNET, AMUNET, and AMONET.

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Posted by Unknown

Erlik Cover
Erlik, or Erlig, is the god of death and underworld in Turkic and Mongolian mythology. According to Siberian mythology, Erlik was the first creation of Tengri or Ulgan, the creator god, but Erlik's pride led to friction between the two, and he was banished to the underworld. In the myths of the Altaic peoples, Erlik was involved in the creation of humanity. He slew the messenger-god, Maidere, and is a teacher of sin. He is sometimes represented by a totemic bear. In Turkic mythology, Erlik was the deity of evil, darkness, lord of the lower world, and judge of the dead. He is known as the first of mankind, created by Ulgen. He wants to be equal to Ulgen, but is in a position inferior to him.

Then he wanted to make his own land and was sent to the prison at the 9th layer of the earth and became opposed to the upper world, the realm of light. The evil spirits created by Erlik cause misfortune, sickness, and death to mankind. These spirits are imagined as Erlik's assistants. Besides these, his 9 sons and daughters help their father in the way of evil. Erlik's daughters especially try to change a shaman's mind while he is attempting to reach Ulgen with their beauties. Erlik gives all kinds of sickness and wants sacrifices from the people. If they do not sacrifice to him, he catches the dead bodies of the people that he killed and takes them away to this lower world and then makes them his slaves. So, especially in the Altays, when sickness appears, people become scared of Erlik and sacrifice him a lot of animals. In the prayers of shamans, Erlik is described as a monster, having the face and teeth of a pig combined with a human body. Besides his face, he is an old man with a well-built body, black eyes, eyebrows, and mustache.

Long ago, the prophet known as Living Tarim brought Erlik worship to a group of Hyrkanian tribes who, with the strength of their religious fervor, swept down and founded the Turanian Empire. Erlik is a harsh god who believes in tempering the soul through trials and deprivation. However, most of his priests do not take these things to heart.

The Hyrkanian god Erlik is a figure shrouded in mystery and legend. Even though he is the supreme deity of the Hyrkanians and their younger kin, the Turanians, very little is known about Erlik.

According to Hyrkanian myth, Erlik was the first man on earth, but he was not given a soul by the Creator. When Erlik tried to create life by himself, he was banished into the depths of the earth, where he claims the dead ("those that lack breath") for his own.

Erlik is also known under the title "the God of the Yellow Hand of Death".

Erlik would be a minor god were it not for the prophet known as Living Tarim. Tarim brought Erlik worship from a remote region known as Pathenia to a group of Hyrkanian tribes who, with the strength of their religious fervor, swept down and founded the Turanian empire.

Erlik is a harsh god, who believes in the tempering of the soul through trials and deprivation. His tenets, as revealed by Tarim, forbid fornication, the consumption of alcohol and usury. However, even most of his priests ignore these precepts.

Erlik's avatar is the Living Tarim. The avatar appears as a human form whose face and features are cloaked by a hooded robe. It is said that he sits on a throne in the inner sanctum of Erlik's domed temple in Aghrapur.

Idols of Tarim depict him as a one-armed male.

Clerics of Erlik (and Living Tarim) who follow the strict codes of the Revelations of Tarim are able to master terrible necromancy. Among their powers is the ability to sink into the earth and command undead. Priests of Erlik must always be male.

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