
Goddess Saule  

Posted by Unknown

Goddess Saule Image
SAULE (pronounced SEW-lay) is the Baltic sun Goddess, ruling all parts of life and light. She is married to Meness, the moon God, and together they created the earth and the stars. When Saule found out that Meness had raped one of their daughters, she slashed his face with a sword, leaving the marks we see on the moon today. She then banished him from her presence, and they are no longer seen together in the sky. Saule continues to drive her sun chariot across the sky every day, drawn by two white horses, and travels in a golden boat by night, trailing a red scarf and collecting the souls of those who have died during the day.

Saule is also a Goddess of spinning who used an amber spindle to create life's thread. Other names for her include BALTA SAULITE (darling little white sun), SAULES MAT (mother sun), SAULITE MAT (little sun mother), and SAULITE SUDRABOTA (little silver sun).

Saule, my amber weeping Goddess

Creating light like thread.

As "Saules Mat" my mother sun,

Daily blessing your thankful world with light.

-Traditional folksong

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