Lord Kalki
People pray for Lord Kalki,Lord Kalki,the Lord of Universe,protect me from the evil-doers,and from the evilness of the Kali-age.
Lord Vishnu incarnates as Lord Kalki,at the end of Kali Yuga.At the end of the Kali yuga,all the people will be killed who are bad people,only good people are left for the next age.
Lord Vishnu incarnates as Lord Kalki at the end of Kali Yuga where the righteousness will not be present,and to destroy the universe,by killing all the bad people,even the people killed by the Lord,will achieve greater heights,as that of a yogis.
Lord Kalki as a King on a white horse carrying a sword,kills all the people who are in mode of ignorance of God,moving with a great speed,and leaving those good people are in worship of God.
After all the bad people are completely killed, Lord Kalki will re-establish the righteousness for the next age,those saintly people and good people will be with goodness.
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