
Goddess Erato  

Posted by Unknown

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ERATO (pronounced AIR-uh-toe) is the Greek Muse of lyric poetry, including love poems and erotic poetry, and mimicry. The nine Muses are the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, and they accompany Apollo in his role as God of the arts. According to one source, she has a son named Azan by Arkas, the King of Arcadia, while another source states that she is married to Malos, the lord of Malea, and with him has a daughter named Kleophema. Erato is usually depicted holding a lyre, and sometimes with a wreath of roses. Her name means "beloved," and her epithets include CLEAR-VOICED and WHO CHARMS THE SIGHT.

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Goddess Ourania  

Posted by Unknown

Goddess Ourania Image
OURANIA (pronounced yu-RAIN-ee-uh) is the Greek Muse of astronomy and astrology. The nine Muses are the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, and they accompany Apollo in his role as God of the arts. She is usually depicted holding a sphere in her left hand and a stylus in the right. Ourania is also honored by philosophers, lifting their souls to heaven by inspiring great thoughts. She is said to have had two sons by Apollo--Linos, who personified songs of lament, and Hymenaios, who personified wedding songs. Ourania's name, which means "heavenly," is also seen as URANIA.

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