
Goddess Thisbe  

Posted by Unknown

Goddess Thisbe Image
THISBE (pronounced THIZ-bee) is a Babylonian Goddess of unrequited love. She was the fairest maiden in her village, and her next door neighbour Pyramus was the most handsome young man. They were deeply in love, but their parents forbid them to see each other. They continued to converse through a crack in the wall between their houses, and made plans to run away together.

Thisbe was the first to reach their intended rendezvous point, a white mulberry tree next to a spring just outside their village. As Thisbe waited, a lioness came to drink from the spring, her mouth dripping with blood from a recent kill. Thisbe, frightened by the lioness, ran off to a nearby cave, but in her haste she left behind her cloak, which had been a gift from Pyramus. The lioness, seeing the cloak, tossed it around in her mouth, leaving it bloody and torn.

Pyramus finally arrived at the mulberry tree, where he found Thisbe's bloody cloak and saw the footprints of the lioness. Fearing the worst, he blamed himself for persuading Thisbe to meet him alone. Pyramus took out his sword and drove it into his heart, thinking that he would meet his beloved in the next world.

In the nearby cave, Thisbe heard Pyramus cry out and rushed to his side. He opened his eyes long enough to see her, and then slipped away. Thisbe then took Pyramus's sword and stabbed herself too, so that they could be together forever. Their blood splashed on to the mulberry tree and soaked down to its roots. The berries on the tree turned red, and have stayed that way ever since.

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Goddess Zytniamatka  

Posted by Unknown

Goddess Zytniamatka Image
ZYTNIAMATKA is the Germanic Goddess of agriculture. Also known as DIE KORNMUTTER (the Corn-Mother) she is the ripe corn, represented by a corn dolly made from the last ears of corn to be harvested. The corn dolly was kept over the winter months and buried in the ground in the spring when the corn was planted, bringing the Goddess's blessings to the crop and ensuring its success. Zytniamatka's name, which means "corn mother," is also seen as ZYTNIA MATKA, ZIZA, and ZIZI.

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