
Goddess Pachamama  

Posted by Unknown

Goddess Pachamama Image
PACHAMAMA (pronounced PAH-cha-ma-ma) is the Incan Goddess of fertility. She lives within the earth and provides food for her people. In return, people offer a little bit of food or drink to Pachamama as an offering. If her worshippers forget to honor Pachamama, she gets a little out of sorts and the earth quakes with her bad mood. Pachamama, whose name means "Mother Earth" is also called MAMA PACHA.

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Greek Goddess Euphrosyne  

Posted by Unknown

Greek Goddess Euphrosyne Image
EUPHROSYNE (pronounced yoo-FRAW-sin-ee) is the Greek Goddess of gracefulness and charm, one of the three Kharites or Graces. She and her sisters, Aglaia and Thalia, are daughters of Zeus and the Okeanid Eurynome. Euphrosyne rules specifically over joy and merriment. The Kharites were attendants of Aphrodite, Goddess of beauty and passion. Euphrosyne's name means "mirth".

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