
Goddess Honesty Is Always Best  

Posted by Unknown in , , , , ,

Goddess Honesty Is Always Best Image
My relationship with God recently has become a very interresting one. Like one woman stated last night at the goddess gathering: "I have a very intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, maybe a little bit too intimate." We had diffrent pictures of Mary Magdalene around the altar last night and one of "sexy Jesus" in which he is depicted scantily clad with Mary Magdalene, at his feet.

Mary Magdalene

The theme around our gathering last night was to call Mary Magdalene's energy into our lives, the divine feminine energy and counterpart to Christ. Mary Magdalene is reported to have had a gospel in the Bible until it was removed when civilization switched over to a patriarchal society. Later the texts were re-discovered when the dead sea scrolls were discovered in the early 1900's. The reason for removing Mary from the picture? To create a religion where God is outside of ourselves rather than within. Rather than experiencing our own direct personal relationship with God, we must look outside and direct energy into worshipping something that is seperate from us. Ultimately, it is another form of control.

Mary Magdalene and Jesus are rumored to have been married, which symbolically is the representation of the male and female aspects of creation or God. Mary Magdalene is also said to have been the goddess Isis. When the divine feminine, embodied as Mary Magdalene and the Christ consciousness awaken within in us, that is our true union and connection to the entire cosmos. We become whole and complete in ourselves, connected to all that is.

The awakening of the Goddess divine within each woman, and man directly coincides with the awakeing of our mother earth, Gaia. I have been feeling her pain and last night it washed over me as tears dripped down my face. My body convulsed over and over and I felt that it must be a bit of what mamma earth is going through with her intense purging, cleansing and earth changes.

I feel that my relationship with God is becoming one of deep closeness and intimacy. God has become my most intimate partner, lover, friend. I can really relate to this woman when I feel that God is becoming my lover. God is sexy. Our very nature, as men and women is sensuality, love, intimacy, touch, all qualities given to us by the divine. Sacred love-making and other tantric arts are said to be what Mary Magdalene was a master of rather than the whore or prostitute the new Bible would depict her as. Mary Magdalene was a Dakini, a sacred prostitute and high priestess who helped men experience the divine directly by allowing her body to become a vessel for higher energy. In that sacred union, the connection between heaven and earth is complete.

I am truly honored to have been blessed this Christmas season by the love of Christ within my heart andthe sensual, loving touch of Mary Magdalene over every inch of my body.

May your Christmas be full of warm, comforting, divine love within and without.

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