
Greek Naiad Akraia  

Posted by Unknown

Greek Naiad Akraia Image
AKRAIA (pronounced ah-CRY-uh) is one of the Greek Naiades. The Naiades were generally thought to be daughters of an Okeanid mother (the 3000 daughters of Tethys and Okeanos, Goddesses of fresh water sources) and a Potamoi father (the 3000 sons of Tethys and Okeanos, Gods of the rivers); in Akraia's case, her father was Asterion, God of the River Asterion near Mycenae. Along with her sisters Euboia and Prosymna, Akraia nursed the Goddess Hera when she was an infant, and her name was later used as one of Hera's epithets. Akraia's name, which means "of the heights," is also seen as ACRAEA.

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