
Goddess Amaunet  

Posted by Unknown

Goddess Amaunet Image
AMAUNET is the Egyptian Goddess of the air, the consort of Amun and one of the original eight Egyptian Gods, called the Ogdoad. She ruled over the north wind, which was very important to Ancient Egyptians in that it provided them a way to sail upstream on the Nile. Amaunet was honored as a protector and teacher of the royal family, playing an important role in accession rituals. It was said that her shadow protected both the pharaoh and the Gods. Amaunet was depicted either as a snake-headed woman (as were the other Goddesses of the Ogdoad), or in fully human form wearing the red crown of Lower Egypt. Her name, which means "female hidden one," is also seen as AMANUNET, AMUNET, and AMONET.

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