December! Already! The Winter Solstice is almost here. The days are growing shorter and the nights are growing longer. The air is getting crisp, cool. This is the month of the "Long Night's Moon", also called the "Cold Moon." As the days get shorter, we force ourselves to get through the darkness for eventually, we know we will see the light and the warmth again. The Druids also called this the "Oak Moon" because the Oak is a symbol of strength and eternity...and when the cold of winter tightened its grip on humankind, it was good to remember the mighty Oak's endurance...for in order to survive the harsh winter months, people had to reach deep within themselves to find the Oak's great strength.
The Winter Goddess is a part of the great cycle of the seasons. She represents a time of stillness and going within for this is a wonderful time for turning your attention to the home...and especially your ritual space. It is She who carries with Her the seeds of your dreams, dreams that must be nurtured through the darkness so they are ready to sprout as the plants in the spring. She is not about action; She is about nurturing yourself, stillness and listening to the wise woman within.
This is a great time to review your life. It is an opportunity to explore your successes and your failures of the past year. Ask yourself what you will need to let go of, which patterns of behavior no longer serve you. See if you can identify some of the things you have said or done which don't seem like the 'real you'. Take time to describe them in writing. Is there an aspect of your life that you need to change? Make a list of the thing you believe you do only because you 'have to' and not because you chose to do them. As yourself what you want to put your energy into and which direction you want to follow.
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on 22 June 2011
at Wednesday, June 22, 2011
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